Thursday, 20 September 2007

I may be a bit bored today

When I was shaving this morning I noticed that the shave gel had instructions on it, which included: "Take a hazelnut sized blob of gel on your palm..."

Why hazelnut? It will put off anyone with a nut allergy. I'm also not entirely sure how big a hazelnut is. It's probably smaller than a Brazil nut, but I can't be certain. However, everyone knows how big a peanut is, which I'd also guess is approximately half as big as a hazelnut. So instead they should have put: "Take a blob of gel about the size of two peanuts on your palm..."

Or perhaps they should just let us decide how much gel to use. If I want to use a walnut sized amount, or even go crazy with a coconut sized amount, I shouldn't have the dispenser making me feel guilty about it. It's not a medicine. It's gel.

However, I do approve of the word "blob". It's a word that should be on more packaging. Other words I'd like to see more of include: "squirt", "dollop", "squidge" and "sliver".

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