Friday, 7 September 2007

Look! Words!

So the South End gig went ahead and was fun. A decent crowd although smaller than usual according to the management. That's what promoters always say, although in this case I believe them. I look forward to returning when it's full.

On the way there I saw a brilliant billboard headline in the Evening Standard:

"Russian Bombers Head for Britain"

It looked like the kind of horror-headline people feared during the Cold War. What the headline failed to point out of course was that the bombers then turned around and went back to Russia without actually, you know, bombing anything.

It reminded me of the headlines you regularly see in tabloids such as the Daily Sport:

"Outrage Over Nude Britney Photos!"

The "outrage" being because the photos are fake. Doesn't stop them printing them though.

I suspect that what they really want to use as a headline is: "Look! Tits!" but I guess they've decided that would eventually get repetitive and lose its impact.

I think they might be overestimating their readers.

1 comment:

John Finnemore said...

Perhaps stung by your criticism of their headlines, the Sunday Sport have outdone themselves today. They're leading with:

'Woman Gives Birth To Sweet Potato'.

It's the fact that they specify the variety of potato that makes it...